Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Track Meet

Elliott and Carson participated in a Williston Track meet yesterday for kids between the ages of 2 to 12. There were many friends and family members who brought their children. It was fabulous to see all the kiddos running their guts out. Many toddlers, which included Carson, had no clue why they were even running! Elliott had been ampted for a few weeks knowing the track meet was coming. She definitely mentally trained because I had never seen her "fly" so fast! She was very concerned beforehand that she did not have "name brand" shoes (it makes me so sad that she has caught on to the whole name brand thing). She had some good ole' Walmart sneakers and I had to explain to her that it wasn't her shoes that made her fast, but her legs. Elliott was thrilled with a first place ribbon that she tied for. Carson was so cute and did happen to come in second in the 100 meter dash. Out of all the children I knew there, Aubers, my niece, was the most fascinatig to watch. She was SO FAST! She is such a ballerinia princess, who would have known!? We thank God for memory making opportunities that we get to make as a family. The memories will bring many smiles to our family for future days.

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