Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Oh month of June, where have you gone!?

The second week of June Elliott, Carson, and I went to DAA for campmeeting. The children's cradle roll and kindergarden department was fantastic. The girls adored going to "school" all week. They made some pretty amazing crafts. I was proud of them. Most importantly they spent the week talking about God and the gift of Jesus. It warms my heart that they already love Jesus.

I had a wonderful time in the Word at campmeeting. My favorite session for the adults each day was by Dr. Jon Dybdahl. The topic which he discussed was "Spiritual Renewal". I was so captivated by his scriptural references on the spiritual life that I bought his book, "Hunger" from the ABC. It has been a really good in helping me seek out God.

There was so much to feed on at campmeeting that I cannot even write about it. It was a steller, two thumbs-up experience with the girls and our friend Shelly. We were so gladd Daddy got to come Friday and Sabbath! Very excited for next year!

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