Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring is here!!!

We are so excited that Spring has finally arrived to us in Williston! We give thanks for our vacation at the end of February, but are so glad to have nice weather at home. The snow is slowly melting and we are saying, "So long and farewell!"

Elliott and Carson cannot get enough of being outside right now. We have gone on many walks thus far and the outdoor activity will only increase.

This week the girls have had lots of cousin activity. They have played full-heartedly with Reagan and Lucy. Branssen and Tucker joined us today. Tucker had a bad start, but "all's well-that ends well."

I have been preparing and preparing for the week of prayer at Dakota Adventist Academy. The time is has finally arrived and there are only a few more days till Elliott and I venture to the school for a week. We are excited to see what the Lord has in store for us and the students! I have no doubt it will be a Spirit filled week.

Signing off for now!
Bre for the Coughlins