Thursday, January 5, 2012

January oh January

I honestly cannot believe that it is January 5th! It has been a hairy last month and some days. I am so greatful to be at home tonight with my three darling girls and my deary Adam. God is good.

I was in the hospital for the last two days. Not really sure where this is going, but we are starting on a new adventure with a little bacteria bug called "c diff" for short. It introduced me to the world of severe diarreah for 29 days and counting... On some new medication called flagel. Praying with all my heart this works!

Kudos to the staff at Mercy Medical Center. Thanks for the kind comments, helping hands, and calm assurances.

More greatfulness in my heart today towards God and his angels. Finley was found face down at her nana's house with a blue face. Nana paniced for a nano second and flipped Finner's down and slammed on her back with a shiney copper penny popping out of her mouth. Thank you Jesus for preserving our little Finley's life and giving Gail quick thinking.

Here is to the rest of January!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The God over a broken body.




Those could be a few words to describe the last 6 months. I have been physically not doing well since Finley was born. Actually before that I wasn't doing that great either, but the heat was put on after Finley's birth.

Spiritually I felt as if I was doing okay; yet, I knew I needed to press closer into Jesus. Wasn't sure how. Just kept praying, "Lord, I want to be everything you are. Totally broken and reliant on you. I want your fruit of the Spirit more than anything this world has to offer." "I want love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperence to be a evidenced daily because of you dwelling me." "I want your glory to shine through me."

Answer to this prayer-- total broken-ness. Sitting before God being totally honest: I'm scared. I need you. I want to abide in your glory even in spite of everything that is happening.

I'm broken and totally reliant on Jesus right now.

I got my doctor's report yesterday (right after Adam's grandma's funeral :-).

It was written like this:
Often a diagnosis of problems list is helpful. Such a list for Breann could include:
-Antigenic overload
-Cortical Adrenal Insufficency
-Poor Digestion
-GI dysbiosis
-Autoimmune Thyroiditis
-Endocrine Imbalance
-Peripheral Neuropathy
-Multiple Sclerosis

Never in my life have I ever taken so many "deep cleansing breaths".

Lord, I'm broken right now. Totally reliant on you. In need of nothing else but your amazing grace. In need of complete direction from your Holy Spirit. I need you Jesus. Nothing else. No one else. Just you.

In essence, this is what I prayed for. Total reliance on you and nothing else. So Lord in all of this shine like you have never shined before.

"Come onto me all ye who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am meek and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your soul. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Thursday, September 8, 2011

the rays of summer slowly fading...

Boy, what a summer.

Having three girls has proven to be a task.

They are the sweetest, but occupy EVERY moment of my day (or at least it feels like that).

We have simply stayed put this summer and enjoyed our home. No traveling, except a small trip to Billings. Finley HATES the car seat, so every moment we can spare her of it leaves our family more sane.

I have chosen to stay home completely leaving behind teaching and subbing for a bit. I want to focus on other passions of mine. Speaking at churches about the love of Christ, teaching the Word to those who are searching, and quietly absorbing every ounce of my children.

Elliott has started kindergarden this week and I can only imagine how she is in the classroom. She said she was able to make her class laugh this week by flipping the "Letter 'F' puppet" upside down...who knows, but I have no doubt it was funny. Mrs. Kuester is in for a run with her...

Carson is enjoying the 2 hrs. and 45 mins. she gets to spend with me daily. She is still very much into being a princess and playing with her dollies. We will be starting her own curriculum soon, but I need to get it all together. She will be a totally different ball game than Elliott with a completely different learning style. She will be a joy to work with and it will be enjoyable to see her learn.

Then there is Finley. Fat Finley is what she has been dubbed by her dear mother! She is so HUGE. Her doctor laughs when he sees her and has called her a line-backer. She is in the 97th percentile for her height and weight (as of her last check-up), which is so the opposite of her two peanut sisters. She is very strong and such a sweet thing. She has been rolling around for quite some time now and this week has started scooting. She gets so mad that she scoots around the living room (quite a tempermental little thing). She has begun to give chuckles to her sisters' delight!

And then there is Adam who is busily and kindly providing for his family. God bless you Adam for all you do for us. What a wonderful husband I have. Enough said.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 3rd...

Finley Joy Coughlin

May 3rd, 2011. 10:44 a.m.

8 lbs. 6 oz. 22 inches

Wonderful blessing!

I started contractions at about 2:15 a.m. Slept until around 6:00 a.m. Got up. Took a bath. Did laundry. Walked around a bit. At 9:30 I suggested we go to the hospital just to check to see where I was dialated and shockingly I was already at an 8. It didn't take long to get to 9 cm. Dr. Solberg broke my water and the "horrid" contractions and back labor started. Thankfully I only experienced that for about 40 minutes, which included pushing. So all-in-all it went as well as could be expected. Thank the Lord.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

God's gift--our little princess

April 20th, 2008, we were blessed by God and Carson Ann Benton Coughlin was born at 4:33 p.m. It was the beginning of our adventure with our little Annie girl. She is the sunshine in our house: full of energy, laughter, giggles and funny faces. She is definitely as funny as her name sake!

Yesterday we celebrated Carson's 3rd birthday with her girl cousins Reagan, Lucy, and Abrianna, her little friend Alethia, and of course Elliott. It was themed, "A Princess Party" and each girl dressed up in their best princess outfit. :-) Very cute! I was late to the party for various reasons, but Adam was able to get it moving. I would say in Carson's book it was a success.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Afternoon at the park

We had Abrianna as our guest the other day. The girls love when their cousin comes over for a playdate. We decided the park was a necessity with the temps hitting a wonderful 60 degrees!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Okay, so I'm now not feeling so hot. I'm trying to distract myself right now by posting something...I don't think it's going to work!

I tried giving Elliott a haircut tonight. Not such a good idea at all. Let's just say it was a great deal more difficult than I thought it would be. My dear auntie Coleen will be fixing it tomorrow--Thank the Lord! Luckily Elliott's hair was crazy long so there still is a bit to work with before it hits her shoulders! Dad's going to be shocked to see this:-)

Two things I learned from this:
1. A fabric scissors does not cut hair well at all.
2. There are some things I just cannot do.